Beware of thin ice | City of McPherson /
Beware of thin ice | City of McPherson /
Be Safe and watch out for Thin Ice, even WHEN TEMPERATURES ARE COLD.
As the weather continues to cool, the City of McPherson is warning the community to stay off lakes and ponds. Cold temperatures do not guarantee that ice on the lakes and ponds is safe. With the warm and cold temperatures, we experience in the fall, it is important that residents stay off lakes and ponds until it is safe to do so, the ice may look solid, but that does not necessarily mean it is safe to skate or walk on. Please obey all posted signs on the city owned LAKES and WATERWAYS. Please contact the Public Lands and Facilities department with any questions or concerns at 620.245.2535.
If you or anyone you know ventures onto the ice and experiences trouble – keep the following in mind:
• Always keep your pets on a leash if walking near a partially frozen waterway. If a pet falls through the ice do not attempt to rescue your pet, go for help.
• Reach-Throw-Go. If a companion falls through the ice and you are unable to reach that person from shore, throw them something (rope, jumper cables, tree branch, etc.). If this does not work, go for help before you also become a victim. Get medical assistance for the victim immediately.
• If you fall in, try not to panic. Turn toward the direction from which you came. Place your hands and arms on the unbroken surface, working forward by kicking your feet. Once out, remain lying on the ice (do not stand) and roll away from the hole. Crawl back to your tracks, keeping your weight distributed until you return to solid ice.
The best way to avoid trouble is to avoid the ice entirely.
For new, clear ice only provided by the department of natural resources Minnesota.
2" or less - STAY OFF4" - Ice fishing or other activities on foot5" - Snowmobile or ATV8" - 12" - Car or small pickup12" - 15" - Medium truck
Many factors other than thickness can cause ice to be unsafe.White ice or "snow ice" is only about half as strong as new clear ice. Double the above thickness guidelines when traveling on white ice.
Original source can be found here.